Thursday, October 21, 2010

In Consideration...

There are many things that I have thought about, some random and most are in deep contemplation of events that either happened to me or where perpetrated by me. In pretty much all cases, they add up to regret lol. Some regrets are so deep that the scraping of a tattoo gun or the deafening tones of fast music, are the only things that can quell the images and feelings associated with these haunting memories of the past. For most of us...or so it appears to me, we can process and filter these things. Sorting and filing them into categories to which they belong with little or no consequence to our current living conditions. A "wordy" way to say ... we let the crap roll off our backs. The teasing in High school the hazing in College and the possible string of disappointing dates. Which may or may not lead to a disappointing marriage and potential hells spawn running about the place. You know, the kids who will put you in the cheapest nursing home possible upon your impending demise. Leaving you to ponder why in the hell you ever gave birth to them. Sounds like a bad movie lol or at the very least your neighbors down the street. Sigh... I know that this may seem random and somewhat sordid perhaps or depressing ...depending on which way your viewing this. To me I am doing nothing more than finding my way  so to speak. I have many thoughts and feelings swimming through my head, and as I age I am less and less afraid to share them.
        Without being conceited, what is in this brain is astounding or absurd. Again, your choice as to how you want to view this. What your over all mood is will paint the picture of  your day. The things you choose to eat, wear, watch, listen to, as well as what you "hear". Things we read and are told amazingly enough roll around and we interpret things differently than that of what actually is. Though my grammar may be atrocious... my thought patterns are anything but. I do have some sense of logic mixed with some whimsy and viola! Either way, I hold fast and true to what my friend Melita says... " someone will want to hear what you have to say". I do believe that. Someone will care, will feel the same or will be possibly pondering the same things that I am. I think its important for us to be supportive of each other. Try to help each other through this rough terrain that is our individual lives. being positive and sharing can help us or someone else. I believe we need mediums of Art, Music, Food/cooking, Crafting, yoga....whatever your passion is. We should share our experiences and help each other to move on in the lighted direction of love and peace.
                                     In consideration...


  1. you should listen to this melita girl, she sounds very smart lol :P love ya annie b!! hugs!!

  2. Oh Yes you have no idea lol I do listen ....its just the doing that goes along with listening. I also need to read my comments lol I just figured no one does so lol but as I am about to write another blog I am like wow I have comments lol and they arent mine :)


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