Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Good Morning Tuesday :)

It is Brrrr cold here in Northern Va. I love the colder weather, it does not love me though lol. My sweety does not tolerate the cold well either. However, to me cold signals the start of the holidays. I LOVE the holidays. They seem to make most people a bit more jolly and a little less ummmmm...mean yes mean is the word I will use. Yesterday I took down my Halloween decorations and am getting ready to put up some fall/ thanksgiving ones. Then it will be christmas!!! Which is my favorite I think. The year is coming to a rapid close...this time last year I was just getting out of the hospital...coming home to an empty house and being very sick. This year is a far cry from that and I am not even living in the same state! Not that that is better lol its worse really. I would rather be back in Delaware. Sigh...soon hopefully.
    I am starting my day with some tea...chocolate pureh.....LOVE this one from Numi ( .com). Then I am going to get my shower and do some yoga. Later on we will be getting ready to take our trip to New york to see my family this weekend. That will be interesting and hopefully fun and uneventful. This will be our last holiday all together in my parents house. So it will be nostalgic for me as well. Ok...gonna get this day started. I hope all of you have a wonderful, productive and peaceful day :) X0's

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