Sunday, November 14, 2010

Today is the Day

I woke up this morning and am deciding that today is the day. I think I have finally had enough! I have reached the point where I realize it is only up to me. I am the one who needs to do the work and I can't expect others to do it for me or to be extra considerate or even give a crap about what I am doing. I don't know why I have always expected people to act human lol have manners and Be somewhat kind of nature. These are lofty expectations rarely met. Sad but true. So.... I need to have less or no expectations of people or of situations. This makes things much easier and just well bare able overall. The next thing I need to do is Get my ass moving! lol I have now several tools at my disposal. However, I am basically lazy... I am going to return to a few decades ago...when remotes were not around. When I read more books. When I parked further away and walked to the door of a store...instead of parking in the lobby lol. I need to De-Technify ( look it up I am sure this IS a werd LOL ) myself in order to get back to the center, the core and reach into the goey center and turn that into a somewhat harder more carefree and healthy center :)  I have done  some exercise and some yoga and some treading....but for 10 to 15 mins each time because I am so out of NOT getting it done. The length in between each event also has to become more frequent. I start things and give up rather quickly thinking that ehhhh Im fine...the reality is I am not fine. The embarrassing list of things I cant do for someone my age has now become more than I can bare. I am not that old and yet I find myself saying well When I was younger I used to have a Bangin... LOL I wont finish this but you get the idea. It is a bit narcissistic but there were quit a few things that USED to be bangin on me lol Well this year I am going to be 40! and instead of crawling into a hole, I would like to make this next decade the best I can. Before everything lowers and Changes lol I want to be 40 and fabulous so I will have to start now :) cuz its gonna be a looooonnnng road ahead :) wish me luck!!

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