Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Delaware...O'd to Delaware

So last week we went back to Delaware. AHHHHHH!!! a retreat of sorts and a relaxation from the day to day mundane. Oh and lets not forget the insane~! We have had quite the adventure since our relationship resumed. My other half, Bob and I are extremely happy and well suited to one another. We have so much fun even in the most basic tasks. We saved each other from ourselves and the vultures. We reside here in Va., for the moment! This was a temporary stop on our way to "OUR LIFE". A life which we hope to be building in Delaware...somewhere toward the beach, but off the beaten path of tourists. The completely rested feel we had from waking up somewhere ( familiar to me) and semi familiar to Bob, was sublime! We both loved being somewhere that is still somewhat obscure to the general public. Though I am blogging about Delaware...I hardly want to give away this fantastic secret destination! I came upon this realization having researched and gone on expeditions to other locations... North Carolina...which I am sure is beautiful and prosporous in some places. We just didnt feel "HOME" there. The areas we covered which were along route 17 and close to the ocean, reminded me so much of Delaware, I thought..." Why come all this way when we can go back to De?!?" Then going into N. Myrtle beach in SC...paying 10.5% on a Starbucks Latte nearly caused me to have a coronary !! I said to Bob then and there... "We are NOT moving here~!!"
One main reason would be 15.5% unemployment rate! and then this kind of  Sales tax! that is not a retirement situation. That is a disaster in our book! We want to enjoy our time...not work till we are so old that the typical Walmart greeter dude looks like someone who will out-live us!!  LOL  In De we can fish and shop @ the outlets and dine on fresh seafood or the best Italian food either of us has ever tasted ( IMO) Which is from La Fontana in Magnolia De! if you havent been there...you need to go! There is no better Cannolli around! Ok back to business lol  The man and I just want peace and tranquility! This can be easily achieved in Delaware. No sales tax! beaches! and all of the above! Delaware is also so close to most of the major cities on the Eastern Seaboard... Phili, Baltimore, Wash. D.C., and going North...we cannot forget NYC!! I am  a native NYer~!! grew up on Long Island and lived there for the better part of 29 years...give or take the odd move to Boston, Fla and Cali. within that time. Then the move to Delaware...which is my most rewarding and smartest move to date. I feel like I was led there and that I should lead my other half there. So that we can live in peace and harmony and ENJOY these years...however long we have together! None of us knows what one moment from the next will bring. One thing is for sure, We must truely live and enjoy the time we have, the resources we have and the people in our lives. Only then will we truely be happy and able to enjoy this brief time we all share together.
                                                                                 X0's to all ~

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