Saturday, March 5, 2011

This cake is beautiful but what really caught my ( our) eye is the topper. So cute and it is really us. We chose this one out of so many out there. It will also serve as a beautiful reminder of our special day. I know I am late in posting this... so much happens all at once.
However, on February 14th( valentine's day) 2011, my boyfriend became my Fiance' by asking me to marry him. I of course said yes! We are so excited and have already started planning and talking about the up coming day. There are lots of things going on in between...selling the house we live in and moving back to De to start our new life.
     I am very honored and elated to become Mrs. Bob Stenger :) He is one of the greatest people I have ever met. Together we enjoy life, make each other laugh and just in general have a loving relationship.
Friends for many years now, we never thought that we would be fit together so perfectly. Our level of communication and honesty is that seldom seen in even the most long term marriages/relationships or even within some family's today. The Wedding is going to be fantastic! a dressy casual, jeans kinda event. Some time in the fall of this year...look for some good pics :)
                                          0x's to all...

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