Good Morning...
I hope all are well... though we are in the midst of a nor'easter. The election has come and gone and our President has won over his voters.
I know that I had promised to be blogging regularly about health and wellness. That I would Post my successes with weight loss and healthy eating. I am still on that road. However, it is a daily struggle. shortly after I wrote my last post we have a busy summer full of wonderful friends from Far and near. We entertained and had the greatest time. Then I got sick again...something I was not expecting twice this year. Once that happened it took ages for me to recoup. Then I vowed to stop eating non- foods. Which is almost everything on the market these days! We also stopped eating out. Born out of financial necessity as well as a need to be healthier for me and my husband.
I have been hard on my husband about his memory problems... well discussing them often when it is in fact me who has almost as many issues with my memory and that is scary because I am so much younger lol. I forgot my passwords and well that caused me a lot of problems when trying to get my emails and get into this account. Now that both things seem to be doing better and I am healthier... for the moment. I will be back online trying to bring some of my knowledge and thoughts on things that have to do with our health and well being.
One of the biggest problems I face is getting things out of my head and onto paper ( screen). It is a constant batter in my head of all these swimming thoughts and feelings... so much going on everyday in the world and in my home. Where does one find solace? I have been searching for that magical potion that would render me cured. I have known that there is no cure, no finish line. Death is the only finish line and who knows if it ends there. I never died, there is no one for me to ask.
For now, I will just take things day by day. I have stumbled onto some really fantastic blogs and pages from my Face Book which have really helped me with eating whole foods and just given great tips in general.
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