Sunday, February 27, 2011

Another Month Rolls By

Time goes by so quickly. Before we know it, another month goes by. It is about to be March of 2011! Wow! Where does it all go? One of the most compelling questions I have is... What have we done with our time? For me I am still trying each day to adopt this new way of life. The healthier and more fit me. I do pretty well but sometimes there are those times and we all know what they are about.... that time of the month when the hormones surge and some of us change completely within our minds, making us feel as if we have lost our minds (giggle). We get more sensitive and feel more vulnerable. Crying over stupid commercials and misplacing important articles of clothing or car keys. I consume more chocolate and salty foods than any other time of the month and invariably beat myself up about the dumbest things. These are all behaviors I am working on. I can endure these major changes by telling myself that it is with one day at a time I will achieve the self I have always been but was afraid to show. That's right! I am and have always been me but afraid to let people see me. It is easier to hide in fear and the past. Let’s face it, life is tough. It is not fair many times. It can be downright cruel most times. We pad ourselves with creature comforts and extra pounds in an effort to escape the world outside. We introvert in order to retreat from a life of past failed marriages, lost loved ones, distant or completely obscure family relationships. We most of all seal away our own feelings about ourselves. Masking hurt and suffering with humor and smiles. We keep people at a distance, even when we really want to have them in our lives. There are a few who penetrate our rhino like skin and remain with us for long periods of time. They can see that we are tough to get through to, but have a surprisingly soft center to us. After a time we let them into our little circle. They remain cherished and true. Our common interests keep us together, we bond. Sometimes we drift when our lives change and invariably they do. We marry, bear children and move away. Other times we just fall out of favor with one another, sometimes we never know what we did, and it isn’t about us. Sometimes people just go their separate ways. We are Unable to communicate for fear of angering or fear of some sort of reprisal. The luckiest of us will be able to mend ourselves, make our life to be one free of fear and cynicism. Those two things can destroy us more completely than almost anything else. With a positive attitude and a renewed sense of self I can continue to get better by the day. Another Month rolls by …  X0's
                                                                        ~ Annie~

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Good Morning!! it's Valentine's Eve~!!

Ahhh... you know last year I couldn't have cared less about Valentine's Day! my life was in a complete and total state of upheaval and I didn't know what I was going to do from one moment to the next! This year...WOW!!! a complete 360!! ( I know, I know...The !!! is a bit over the top!!!! LOL, not if you knew me though ;) ) This year I am full of Love and Optimism for myself and my fellow man. Well some of my fellow man, hey I am NOT perfect!! lol.

This year I am focusing  more on what IS important and what IS NOT important! Believe me as someone who used to over analyze ( still does sometimes) everything, this has given me more free time and less sleepless nights. In my experience it is hard for someone who is not semi neurotic to understand those of us who are. The most important lesson that I have learned this year and thus far in my life, is that We have to love ourselves first! This is uber~uber important and basically the foundation to loving those in our lives. Our friends, family's and special someones and even our children. How can we pass love on if we haven't learned to love ourselves?? When we treat ourselves with love and compassion and kindness, then we can really and truly give that to another human being. The genuine exchange between two people who truly love and respect one another is remarkable. It is inspiring and really, really regenerating. I learned to be happy with myself ( remember there are those days where I still stumble, we all do) and since I do love myself I am not longer angry at every living thing! I can be happy for others, even when my life may not be all that.

So, in long...cuz to say in short, well you get the idea lol, If you have a special someone or you are going to be spending V~Day alone... make it special! Pamper yourself or your loved one! Look at things differently. Don't think "Grrrr... why me, and why not me!" . think..." hmmm  I can take myself on a date" Hey don't knock it till you have tried a self date ;) That means, Take yourself out to your fav restaurant or get take out. Rent a movie or go to the movies and buy yourself Flowers!!! there is nothing wrong with supermarket or walmart roses! they smell and look as good as any others and are often less expensive :) there you have  your self date and it will make u feel good! Add some champagne or sparkling cider and a hot bubble bath and wow! When yer single pamper yourself when you can and that doesn't have to mean expensive ;) Ok peoples ... X0's to all~