Friday, April 22, 2011

OOoooh Shiney!!

Mandy Moore - 4theloveofbeadswv on, Who is a talented jewlery designer has created a lovely Necklace that Melita Mollahan Author of   is giving away a beautiful necklace         Gussying Up The Tuttle: handmade necklace giveaway
Please take some time to check out Mandys beautiful work! I myself and partial to the Turquoise and Swarovski Crystal Dangly earrings she has made.Earrings Also please don't forget to stop by Melitas page and enter her giveaway. Details Are located at her blog spot :) Good Luck and enjoy your shopping! X0's to all!                                     Annie
Picture credit

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Love Letter to Yourself...

To my Dearest Annie,

     I just had to tell you how much I enjoy being in your company. You are a beautiful and funny lady. You are a talented writer, cook and crafter. A pretty smile and a contagious laugh; you make everyone around you feel at ease. You have a love for life and are always trying your best to be positive. Don’t let how people feel about you hinder your growth! Life is too short to keep looking back and wondering why?!? Sometimes things just are! Life happens and it will happen without you if you let it.  Love yourself for who you are NOW!! Love yourself for the WAY you are NOW!   Be Happy! Life is too short not to make the most of each moment. Don’t let how others perceive you stop you from living your life the way you want to. Be the Fun-loving and Happy woman you are at this moment and show those around you how you feel about them. Show them you love them and keep being true to yourself and your needs. Believe that though things may not be the way you want them right now, they are how they are supposed to be. Carpe’ Diem my friend! Right now is all we have and we are not promised a future and we are certainly not promised happiness. We as humans have free will, some of us use it to ridicule and hurt others. Some of us spend our time lifting people up and making them and ourselves feel good. You are one of the ones who try to make people laugh and have a better day.  Be kind and considerate to yourself as you would anyone else. Be slow to criticize and slow to punish yourself. We all make mistakes and we all deserve to have those margins of error. Have a guideline and not “the Plan” cuz we both know that the God/ the Universe have its own plans for all of us and those plans will be executed with or without our consent. Let your past and people in it, including but not limited to your family, feel the way they do. There is nothing that can be done to change how people view us. We do our best but some are so mired down in the past. They are not willing to give themselves credit for changing, much less give us the benefit of the doubt for doing so. That is ok… it’s just the way it is. Remember the good and discard the bad. You may only ever lose a few pounds or get only so far into yoga… you are at least trying to better yourself. Don’t keep saying “when I do this, then I can do that!” THAT will never happen! All kinds of other shit will happen first lol and then you will be like Damn it! I wish I had just lived! I wish I had just done what I wanted without being worried what someone thought or how someone thought about how I looked! Take time to care for you and your health. Feel the freedom of letting go! Out with the Old, in with the NEW! And you have a whole new life…. So LIVE IT!! Cuz tomorrow might never happen! But now is upon us! Stay who you are inside! Because she is something special!
                                                                  Hugs & Kisses,

                                                                 Me, Myself & I  J

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Don't forget where you've been

Life moves very fast. Sometimes we are prepared but often times we get knocked out of our shoes. The random and unexpected appear common place, However, We seem to have more tools at our disposal to deal with such occurrances. Thanks to the dawn of the internet and various social media networks, we can reach out 24/7/365 to those near and far. We can also neglect those nearest to us. The ones who live under our roof with us. We can wrap ourselves in technology and tune out the realitys of our human lives. This message is as much a retoracle statement to myself as it is an utterance to be heard by another. Let us celebrate the joys of being with our loved ones and not let the time slip by like sand through our finger tips. Time is not something we can get back. Time is also not something any of us is promised. We are not on this earth for a specified allotment of time. Some of us are here for a few monthes of life and some are here for 100 years. Most of us are somewhere in between those numbers. Don't forget to make yourself happy, live life so that you can live well and sleep well every single day. Be happy and help others to be happy.
     The Love letter that I mentioned in a previous post, is on its way. Life happens and sometimes it delays things. Sooooo not to worry, it is soon to be posted :) have a great day all~